Listeners General
Table of Contents
Listener Name | IP Address | Port | Binding | Secure
Listener Name⇑
A unique name for this listener.
IP Address⇑
Specifies the IP of this listener. All available IP addresses are listed. IPv6 addresses are enclosed in "[ ]". To listen on all IPv4 IP addresses, select ANY. To listen on all IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses, select [ANY]. In order to serve both IPv4 and IPv6 clients, an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address should be used instead of a plain IPv4 address. An IPv4-mapped IPv6 address is written as [::FFFF:x.x.x.x].
Select from drop down list
If your machine has multiple IPs on different sub-networks, you can select a specific IP to only allow traffic from the corresponding sub-network.
Specifies the TCP port of the listener. Only the super user ("root") can use ports lower than 1024. Port 80 is the default HTTP port. Port 443 is the default HTTPS port.
Integer number
Enterprise Edition Only Specifies which lshttpd child process the listener is assigned to. Enterprise Edition spawns multiple child processes to take advantage of the multiple CPUs in a SMP system. Different child processes can be used to handle requests to different listeners by manually associating a listener with a process. By default, a listener is assigned to all child processes.
Select from checkbox
Specifies whether this is a secure (SSL) listener. For secure listeners, additional SSL settings need to be set properly.
Select from radio box
Virtual Host Mappings⇑
Specifies the relationship between the listener and virtual hosts. Listeners and virtual hosts are associated by domain names. An HTTP request will be routed to a virtual host with a matching domain name. One listener can map to multiple virtual hosts for different domain names. One virtual host can also be mapped from different listeners. One listener can allow one catchall virtual host with the domain name value "*". When there is no explicitly matched domain name in the listener's mapping, the listener will forward the request to that catchall virtual host.
Only add necessary mappings. If the listener is mapped to only one virtual host, then only set up a catchall mapping "*".
Virtual Host⇑
Specifies the name of a virtual host.
Select from drop down list
Specifies the mapping domain names. Domain names are case insensitive and the leading "www." will be removed. The wildcard characters "*" and "?" are allowed. "?" only represents one character. "*" represents any numbers of characters. Duplicated domain names are not allowed.
Comma-separated list.
"*" will match all subdomains of
"*" by itself is the catchall domain and will match any unmatched domain names.
If a listener is dedicated to one virtual host, always use * for the domain name to avoid unnecessary checking. Domain names with wildcard characters (other than the catchall domain) should be avoided whenever possible.